Mission Update: Diaper Bank Donation


Upon learning that the United Way’s Diaper Bank supply was running low due to increased need, GUCC made a donation of several cases of diapers and wipes. These items were gratefully received by UW Director, Bonnie Duncan, and UW/YMCA Outreach Coordinator Gabriela Bonnavent.

Bonnie Duncan noted that more seniors than ever are depending on area food banks since the pandemic, and that foodbanks need donations of adult diapers. She also mentioned that food banks are also always in need of feminine hygiene supplies, yet these items often get forgotten.

The United Way maintains an Amazon wishlist of high-priorty items. They also welcome your help in organizing a diaper drive. The Amazon list and resources for organizing a diaper drive can be found on the United Way website.

Nixon Cemetary Dedication

Grace UCC’s own Bill Taylor was asked to be one of the speakers at the unveiling of a marker at Nixon Graveyard in Franklin Township. The plaque also memorializes an unmarked burial ground across the street where enslaved indivduals were buried. Duncan Taylor and Kelly Ospina, also of GUCC, attended the event as well. In his remarks, Bill urged guests at the well attended event to be mindful of who we turn our backs on today, and encouraged attendees not to allow barriers to be built between us. Read the full article on Tapinto Flemington/Raritan here.


In-Person Worship Guidelines

At our meeting this morning, October 2nd, the Grace UCC Council established guidelines for returning to in-person Worship. These guidelines have been posted on our website.

As of this writing, no precise date for resuming in-person Worship has been identified, but we continue to make steady progress towards this goal. Don and Chris Manning have been hard at work each weekend perfecting our equipment and logistics for the hybrid-service. Pastor Dan has begun leading the service from the Flemington Women’s Club each Sunday.

Watch this space for further updates as we move closer to resuming in-person Worship. In the meantime, we encourage one-and-all to join us on Zoom. The link to join virtually can be found right on our homepage.

Laying the foundation for hy-brid worship

Several Grace UCC Council members have been working diligently over the past couple of months to put plans into place to allow GUCC to get back to in-person worship while still keeping Zoom as an alternative means of participation.

On August 21st a small group met at the Flemington Women’s Club to move in and set-up the equipment that will allow us to make hy-brid worship a reality.

While we have pushed the pause button on in-person worship for a little longer, beginning in September, the service will be broadcast over Zoom from the Women’s Club. This will allow for the team to become familiar with the equipment and adapt our set-up and other logistics as needed.

Keep an eye on this space for further updates as we move closer to in-person worship.