Is Grace UCC Right for Me?

We are a friendly, welcoming community and we think you’ll feel right at home here. But we understand it can be hard to find the right fit when searching for a new spirtual home. Hopefully, this will help you decide if our community is right for you.

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people with questions and doubts

If you’re questioning your faith, or trying to figure out what you believe or where you fit in spiritually, you and your questions are welcome (If you’re curious, our shared vision and values can be found on our homepage).

people with families

Moms, dads, and kids, single parents, kids with two moms, kids with two dads, same-sex couples, trans-moms, dads, or kids, grandparents raising grand kids, blended families, foster families, or singles are all welcome. No matter what size or shape your family is, you and your family are welcome here.


People with Passion Projects

Are you passionate about social justice? Do you spend your days helping others? You and the causes you care about are welcome here. Spend your Sundays with us to re-charge your batteries and refill your well of unconditional love so you can do more for others.

If you are looking for a church without barriers to God that is welcoming, inclusive, anti-racist and open and affirming, rooted in the ministry of Jesus Christ, then this just might be the place for you. Come see what we’re all about any Sunday at 11:00 a.m.

Whoever you are, wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.